HProfile height
eProfile thickness
bWing width
cTongue width
dProfile track
pProfile weight per linear metre
AGross section of the profile
YgPosition of the centre of gravity, G, relative to the midpoint of the strip
IyMoment of inertia of the gross section about the main axis y-y
WyModulus of resistance of the gross section with respect to the y-y axis
IzMoment of inertia of the gross section with respect to the main axis z-z
ItModulus of resistance of the raw section with respect to the z-z axis
IwTorsional moment of inertia of the raw section
AeffEffective profile section under uniform compression
Ieff,yMoment of inertia of the effective section under bending about the y-y axis
Weff,yModulus of resistance of the effective section under bending about the y-y axis

*Limit of elasticity used 250 N/mm2

  • Qualities: Until S350GD
  • Diameter of tools: Circulars: ø5,5mm, ø11mm, ø13mm, ø14mm, ø17mm, ø18mm and colisos: 10x30mm, 14x18mm, 120x13mm
  • Possibility of manufacturing steel profiles with a Zero Carbon footprint
  • Calculation of properties according to the European standard Eurocode-3 Part 1-3 EN 1993-1-3 “Design of steel structures. Supplementary rules for cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting” (2006)